Why smaller kibble might be the right choice for your cat

Why smaller kibble might be the right choice for your cat
Posted in: Cats, Pet food advice

Why smaller kibble might be the right choice for your cat

Why smaller kibble might be the right choice for your cat


If your cat is refusing or struggling with her kibble, you are not alone. There are a handful of reasons why she might be turning her nose up at it, and one of the less obvious ones that you may not have thought of, is that the kibble size might not be correct for her mouth. If your cat doesn’t have all of her teeth, this could also pose a challenge.

For kitty’s with narrow mouths, less teeth, or those that are a little older – small kibble is more comfortable than some of the standard sizes you can get in most pet stores. The good news is, that there are easy ways around it.

Made in the UK, Little Big Paw offers kibbles for cats that are smaller. Coming in Chicken flavour for both kittens and adults, and Salmon for adults, the kibbles are still packed with protein and nutrient-dense but are a more comfortable size for your cat or kitten to gobble up.

Another way to encourage your cat to eat her kibble is to add a little water, a topper soup (Applaws has some great options), or a little wet food. The moisture will soften the kibble which might be what’s bothering your kitty.

If you need help with choosing the right food for your cat, get in touch with our team via Instagram or Facebook @PetsDelight, or via email info@petsdelight.com.

Nov 11
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