The things in your kitchen that can harm your dog…

The things in your kitchen that can harm your dog…
Posted in: Pet Health

The things in your kitchen that can harm your dog…

Raisins, grapes, and chocolate are all well known to be off-limits to canines. But there are lots of other items in your kitchen that can pose as a risk to your furbaby, which you might not know about.

Rising bread dough

The majority of dog owners aren’t aware that this is a real threat to their pup. Rising bread dough is packed with yeast. And when it’s in a warm, moist environment (like in your dog’s tummy) it will continue to rise and ferment.

Two problems can crop up as a result of the fermentation process:

  1. Significant abdominal bloating which will cause your dog to be in pain
  2. The production of ethanol – it goes without saying that this isn’t something you want in your dog’s stomach.

If your dog consumes bread dough you need to take him to the vet as soon as possible to prevent any serious, long-term damage.


Corncobs can be damaging in the small intestine of your canine and lead to perforation. If ingested whole, it’s extremely rare that the corncob will make it through the intestines on its own, so it must be removed surgically.

Make sure your kitchen bin has a locked lid, or that it’s well out of the reach of your pup.

Macadamia nuts

Most nuts aren’t toxic to dogs, but macadamia nuts can cause serious illness. Symptoms can occur within a few hours and include vomiting, weakness, tremors, elevated body temperature, and even seizures.

Like with raisins and grapes the toxic agent is not known. Normally, with supportive care, the majority of dogs return to normal within 1-2 days.

Onion, garlic and leaks

Members of the Allium family, these vegetables can cause oxidative damage to the red blood cells in your pup, which are essential for carrying oxygen. Symptoms include pale gums, weakness, lethargy and anaemia. The toxicity does depend on the about your pet eats, the more he eats the higher the risk of problems.


A common sugar substitute used in store-bought goods, Xylitol is probably more present in your kitchen than you realize. In dogs, this substance can cause an overwhelming insulin release leading to a worrying drop in blood sugar. This can lead to weakness, tremoring, stupor, seizures, and coma. High doses can even cause liver failure.

We advise you check the product labels before leaving anything lying around your dog.

If you would like nutritional advice tailored to your pet, you can email us on

Oct 23
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