Welcoming a Bundle of Furry Joy: 5 Tips for Bringing Home Your First Cat

Cat at Home
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Welcoming a Bundle of Furry Joy: 5 Tips for Bringing Home Your First Cat

Welcoming a Bundle of Furry Joy: 5 Tips for Bringing Home Your First Cat

If you already own a dog, bird, and other pets, getting a cat may be the furthest thing from your mind. However, there are several reasons why you should also add a kitty to your brood that you can’t be blamed for, should you decide to adopt one.

Cats are independent, easy to house-train, and low maintenance. Additionally, they are quieter than dogs and can help keep unwanted pests out of your home.

Playing with and petting cats also have a soothing effect, allowing you to relax and calm down after a long, tiring day.

With these in mind, you won’t go wrong with getting a cat if you want to add a new furry member to your family.

Preparing Your Home for Your First Kitty

Preparing well for the arrival of your first cat can make a big difference in how well and quickly he will adjust to your home and new family.

The prep steps you take can also encourage your family to welcome your first kitty with open arms.

Below are the five best preparatory tips for the arrival of your first cat:

1. Get all the essential supplies.

Your cat will have a faster and easier time acclimating and liking your new home when he has everything he needs to be comfortable.

Some basic pet cat accessories you need to have on hand before your new furry pal arrives are:

  • Cat litter
  • Litter box
  • Cat bed
  • Collar and ID tag
  • Cat scratcher
  • Cat tree
  • Cat toys

Make sure you buy a separate food and water bowl for your cat, even if you have spare ones your other pets are not using.

Don’t forget to buy the right cat food for your new furry pet. Ask a shelter or rescue staff what product they have been feeding the kitty and get the same one.

If you already have a vet, you can also ask them what kind of cat food would be best to give your kitty during the first visit.

2. Cat-proof your home.

Although cats are low maintenance, they can be curious and playful, thus, are likely to cause mischief. Because of this, you have to kitty-proof your home before your feline pet’s arrival.

Below are some specific tips for making your home more cat-friendly and safe:

  • Check for and remove electrical cords and other potentially dangerous items under beds, couches, chairs, and tables.
  • Store insecticides, cleaning products, and medicines in places you can lock and where your cat can’t reach them.
  • Get rid of any houseplants that are toxic to cats.
  • Block off entrances to areas where your feline friend might get stuck or trapped, such as the attic or basement.

3. Set your cat’s space beforehand.

Your cat will likely keep to himself during his first few days in your home. As such, you will do well to set up his space in advance.

Choose a room or an area spacious enough for your new pet. Avoid high-traffic and noisy spaces since they won’t feel comfortable in these places.

Your new pet will also have difficulty doing his business in a noisy area.

Once you have chosen your cat’s space, clean it and place his bed, litter box, and food and water bowls within the area.

Since your cat may take some time before venturing out of his designated space, make sure you keep all the windows closed in this area to prevent your pet from climbing out.

4. Take things slow during the first two weeks of your cat in your home.

Once your cat is home, don’t push him to leave his space and explore his surroundings. Allow him to stay in his room or area for as long as he wants.

Avoid overwhelming your new pet with attention or demands. Show the cat where his litter box is. Put water in his bowl and start following a feeding schedule.

Try to spend several hours with your new cat every day as he becomes accustomed to his new environment. By being patient and sensitive, you can help your cat adjust to his new home.

If this is not possible, visit your cat in his room for a quick chat and pat or rub frequently throughout the day.

Taking things slow also means postponing litter training until your cat has adapted to and is more comfortable in your home.

5. Introduce your cat to children and the other pets gradually.

During your kitty’s first day in your home, it is best to keep him away from the other pets and your children, especially the younger ones.

After a few days, allow your children to pat him, put food and water in his bowl, and clean his space. Make sure you supervise your kids when doing this, particularly if they are still young.

Also, teach your children to recognise signs of aggression in a cat and what to do when the new pet exhibits those.

Finally, when introducing your cat to your dogs, keep them in a confined space to reduce chasing. Additionally, ensure your feline friend has a safe place to run to in case your canine pets become a bit aggressive.

Again, make sure you are present when you let all your pets play so that you can prevent fights from blowing out.

Don’t forget to ask the shelter or rescue staff or former owner if your cat has mingled with other people or pets. If not, you may have to be more patient and put in extra effort in this part of owning and training a cat.


When you follow these tips, you won’t regret owning a cat. You will also love having a kitty as a new member of your family.

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Feb 22
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